Sunday, April 28, 2013

Vote “AGAINST” Proposition 3: Bars in your neighborhood - Bar Patrons parked on your street

Vote “AGAINST” Proposition 3: Bars in your
neighborhood - Bar Patrons parked on your
Is the San Francisco Historical District the Target for Prop. 3
This proposition is very deceptive because it requires voters to be familiar with future zoning changes. For that reason alone, voters should shoot this one down.

Currently the Charter prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages in residential sections of the city.

What this Proposition Does?

It clarifies that the prohibition against the sale of alcoholic beverages in “residential districts” does not apply to mixed use areas

What and Where are mixed use areas?

There is no mixed use zoning per se, there is General Mixed Use (GMU) which serves the community and typically found on larger corridors like Mesa, Montana, and Hawkins and Residential Mixed Use (RMU) which is considered neighborhood serving, is in or adjacent to neighborhoods, and allows reduced parking because they use off street parking.

Sale of alcoholic beverages would be allowed in both the RMU and GMU.

RMU zoning would have bars in or directly adjacent to established neighborhoods as well as bar patrons parking on neighborhood streets.

GMU would allow bars along corridors like Hawkins.

Isn’t this one of the problems Cielo Vista residents had with a bar on a major corridor and intersection at Montana and Hawkins?

This proposition would have horrible impact on established neighborhoods because most homeowners do not want bars in close proximity to their homes and they have made this clear more than once.

What is the City’s “Storyline”?

The City claims it is for “SmartCode” like the Montecello which may be ok because it is new and can be designed appropriately. Plus potential homeowners know before they buy there will be bars in their neighborhoods.

Unfortunately for those areas being rezoned “SmartCode,” some unfortunate resident could end up with an RMU and a bar next to their home if the owner rezones.

Since RMU and GMU are not specific to “SmartCode” it will effect all neighborhoods across the City where RMU is allowed, which is all neighborhoods.

El Paso is already among the cities in the U.S. with the highest density of bars per capita (Source).

Where do the powers that be really want to put a bars?

I looked at various places around El Paso and one stood out: The San Francisco Historical District.

Why? Currently everything around the stadium to be is not zoned so that you can serve alcohol. The nearest bar going east is SOHO. Going east is the Camino Real. And west is the Union Depot District. That may be a long walk for some to get a drink. Being a historical district, the city cannot tear it down, but they can do the next best thing – turn the neighborhood into bars.

Protect the integrity of El Paso’s Charter – Vote “AGAINST” All 9 Propositions